Amenities, Etc.

The Lounge

The communal lounge has an entertainment center, bluetooth Sonos speaker, a full size fridge with ice maker, microwave, dishes and flatware, cups and mugs, bottle opener and wine opener, a growler lending library (take one to our two local breweries Stoker’s and Revere!), grab and go snacks, and coffee & tea bar with a Spinn coffee machine.

The Coffee & Tea Bar

Our Coffee & Tea bar includes a customized temperature hot water boiler, Spinn Coffee machine (grinds fresh coffee beans and makes individualized cups of coffee and espresso), creamer, sugar and sugar subsitutes, selection of herbal, black and green teas, grab and go snacks including almonds, cashews, popcorn, granola bars, fruit snacks and more, and thrifted mugs from Hometown Farmer’s Market and Tink’s Antiques.

The Kitchen

Our Kitchen includes a full size fridge and freezer with ice maker, microwave, dining table and chairs, plates, flatware, glasses, mugs, kitchen sink with dishwashing liquid, sponge, dish towels and dish rack, paper towels, hand sanitizer, pamphlets for local attractions and authentic vintage decor.